What is the best treatment for typhoid fever | typhoid fever symptoms

What is the best treatment for typhoid fever | typhoid fever symptoms
What is the best treatment for typhoid fever | typhoid fever symptoms

What is the best treatment for typhoid fever | typhoid fever symptoms

Typhoid or periodic fever a general understanding of asthma, including the causes, symptoms and symptoms of this disease Treatment has been reported. It has also been reported in such countries How to prevent illness.

How is typhoid fever diagnosed | Signs and symptoms

Symptoms begin to appear within seven to fourteen days after the disease begins Some children do not have symptoms for up to two months There are:

The fever gradually increases from 39 to 40 degrees

Which part of the body is affected by typhoid.

  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of power
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Temporary pink spots on the abdomen and breast

If your child has symptoms of chronic fever, call him immediately Go to
 Antibiotics should be taken within a few days of starting treatment Symptoms begin to subside - if left untreated, chronic fever can be severe Can cause complications.

How is typhoid fever diagnosed | Reasons
Typhoid fever is caused by bacteria - infection spread by eating leftover food and drinking water Yes - Patients who do not wash their hands after using the bathroom and eat others It can also cause the disease to spread.

Risk factor
If your child is traveling to a country with chronic fever If so, then the risk of the disease increases - a patient with this fever It causes infection - children who lack immune immunity They may soon become infected.
What is the best treatment for typhoid fever | typhoid fever symptoms
What is the best treatment for typhoid fever | typhoid fever symptoms

If the primary fever is not treated immediately, complications can occur in the baby. Intestinal bleeding can lead to further complications below:

  • Severe loss of weight
  • Severe diarrhea
  • High fever
  • Be the target of insensitivity
  • Anxiety and hallucinations look

How can your doctor be helpful in ending your child's chronic fever?

Your child's doctor will inquire about your child's symptoms If the fever is suspected, your child should be hospitalized your child's anus, blood and urine will be tested Antibiotics will be given in more severe diseases. The sources are also given.

How you can help your child 
It will take two to three weeks for your baby to recover, as long as the whole health No problem, your baby will need rest and the baby's body do not let me be dehydrated.

Keep checking for fever and complete an antibiotic course.
Pain and fever recur within 48 hours of taking antibiotics. It is very important to complete an antibiotic course so that the fever can be attacked again. Overcome and avoid complications. You may be given ibuprofen or other brand such as baby Not at all Give up.

Liquid beverage
Drink simple water and different drinks to help your child cope with water shortages
When Needed Physical Assistance
Contact your child's doctor immediately if:
  • If you are worried your child may have a fever.
  • If you have returned from a developing country and your child becomes ill.

Avoid or protect
What is the best treatment for typhoid fever?

The following are some simple steps that can help prevent a child from becoming infected

Drink only bottled water
Drinking water is a source of disease in these countries. Drink water to drink canned soda.

Keep your hands clean
Teach your child to warm water and soap with his hands before eating each meal Wash with hands - wash hands after going to the toilet if water is not available Use a sanitize
What is the best treatment for typhoid fever  typhoid fever symptoms

Eat fruits and vegetables that can be peeled
Chopped raw vegetables and fruits can be washed only in contaminated water. Eat what you can peel yourself - bananas etc.

Take immune medication
A vaccine is available for children under the age of 6 to prevent chronic fever. Consult your doctor to take a healthy dose
Key points

  • Typhoid fever is an infection that spreads by bacterial bacteria.
  • Without treatment, children may become critically ill or die
  • This disease is common in countries where it lacks sanitation
  • If your child has typhoid symptoms, consult your doctor right away.
  • Get your doctor vaccinated before going on a trip

Typhoid fever spreads from person to person through contaminated food and water. Delivery is through the intestinal root of the intestine, i.e. contaminated waste can enter the water supply or the food supply 'after which they may be used and others affected. S. typhi is present only in humans. Typhoid fever is most commonly found in densely populated areas where water supplies are contaminated. Improved Water Purification 'Proper storage diet can prevent typhoid outbreaks.

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